5 Tourist Destinations in Likupang with the Best Marine and Culinary Charms

5 Tourist Destinations in Likupang with the Best Marine and Culinary Charms

Likupang, Sulawesi Utara
Author: InJourney
What you'll do
As a super-priority destination, Likupang's charm rivals other destinations in Indonesia. Located in Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi, Likupang District spans 200 hectares, dominated by white sandy beaches. Not only will it satisfy your desire for stunning marine scenery, but Likupang is also ready to fill your stomach. Check out these 5 beach destinations offering delicious culinary experiences in Likupang!
Your itinerary
1. Paal Morinsow Beach
The first destination for marine tourism and culinary hunting in Likupang is Paal Morinsow Beach. Besides offering a panorama of white sand leading to the sea of Bitung City, you can also taste local culinary delights. Some of the popular menus here include mixed ice, tea, coffee, and, of course, fried goroho bananas. You can also find huts along the beach serving various seafood dishes, including grilled fish. No need to bring provisions when visiting, as all delicious dishes are available.

2. Surabaya Beach
Unlike other beaches in Likupang with white sand, Surabaya Beach features black sand. Popular since the 1990s, it is a favorite destination for locals. The most famous dish at Surabaya Beach is corn rice served with grilled fish. Besides main meals, you can easily find various local snacks. Surabaya Beach is located in Wineru Village, East Likupang District. To the left, you’ll see a cluster of islands, while to the right is Casabaio Hotel, which President Jokowi visited to prepare Likupang as a Special Economic Zone.

3. La Merry and Kinaari Resort Beaches
Offering highly Instagrammable views, these two beaches are in one location, specifically in Tarabitan Village, West Likupang District. The beautiful sunrise views are perfect for those seeking picturesque photos. As the names suggest, the beaches are near La Merry Resort and Kinaari Resort, allowing you to order food from either resort. La Merry Resort Beach is the first you’ll encounter when traveling from the airport to Likupang.

4. Casabaio Beach
Located in East Likupang District, specifically in Maen Village, Casabaio Hotel or Casabaio Paradise Hotel is very popular in Likupang. Besides being visited by President Jokowi, this star hotel offers excellent facilities complete with marine views and delicious food. At its restaurant, you can order various dishes, from fried rice to seafood. For photography enthusiasts, there are unique wooden huts on the beach that are very Instagrammable. Whether visited during the day or night, Casabaio Beach is equally captivating!

5. Pulisan Beach
Featuring white sand expanses with Pulisan Cape on its right, Pulisan Beach is very popular among both local and international tourists. The beach offers various activities and photo spots to fill your holiday time. Pulisan Beach now consists of two parts: the main beach in the center extending to the left and a smaller beach on the right. Both are equally beautiful, but the smaller beach is steeper than the main one. The most famous culinary delight at Pulisan Beach is fried goroho bananas with roa sambal. Many huts along the beach are ready to serve you with a variety of delicious, affordable dishes. Where else can you enjoy nature and tasty food but in Likupang? Prepare your tickets and suitcase, let's explore Likupang!
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