Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple

Magelang, Jawa Tengah
The Sailendra Dynasty built the world’s largest Buddhist monument between 780-840 AD. The Sailendra Dynasty was the ruling power at the time. This monument was constructed as a place of Buddhist worship and pilgrimage, providing guidance for people to distance themselves from worldly desires and seek enlightenment and wisdom according to Buddhist teachings. The site was discovered by the British army in 1814 under the leadership of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, and the temple area was fully cleared by 1835.

Borobudur was built in the Mandala style, reflecting the universe according to Buddhist beliefs. The structure is square-shaped with four entrances and a central circular area. Viewed from the outside inward, it is divided into two realms: the worldly realm, which comprises three zones on the outer sections, and the realm of Nirvana at the center.
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